Sunday, March 6, 2016

Do a Major Act of Service

Ramit Sethi's "Hell Week" -- Day 5

Just like normal, I didn't bell out, so I went on to the final challenge. And this is supposed to be life-changing. Except, if you're a good person, it's not. You're supposed to go big, and do things like:
- Tip your server 100% of the bill (difficult, in my circumstances).
- Volunteer somewhere for a whole day
- Do good deeds for the whole weekend
- Donate to an organization that you've never considered before

I do good deeds all the time. Everything from the small (tell the guy in the silver Subaru his lights are on, or fetch a motorized shopping cart for the elderly or disabled), to the full-on all-day "I'll fix your computer for you." It's spiritually rewarding, but I don't do it for the reward. Very much it's just doing something nice that heals the social contract which seems to be unraveling.  And we should all be a little nicer to each other. I'm strongly considering volunteering for 4-H, so Day 5 is essentially done.

I learned more about myself than I knew before. The first couple days of Hell Week seemed worthwhile, while the rest of it not so much.

Doing what you normally do is not challenging. 

And that's the thing that hasn't been taken into account. If you've only focused on the past or the the day to day, if you go to work, come home and spend your day on autopilot, then this program can help. If you have been forward thinking, focused on your goal, and you realize that we are all works in progress, then Hell Week isn't as useful. And that's my two cents.

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